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Contributing For Developers


If you want to contribute and don't know where to start, here is a step-by-step for a complete lifecycle, from idea to deployment.

1. Initial Idea and Discussion

  • Start a Discussion: If you have an idea not already in discussion or issues, open up on Github, reach out on Discord, or check out our Matrix channel.

2. Getting Familiar

  • Understand HomeServer: Familiarize yourself with Fractal Database, Django, Fixtures and Signals, Matrix Protocol (Synapse), TaskIQ, Fractal Gateway, and WireGuard.

3. Submitting Enhancements or Bugs

  • Agree on Solution: Discuss and agree on the solution with the team. Clear communication is key.

4. Implementation

  • Code Implementation: Write code following agreed-upon solutions and guidelines. Maintain clear communication throughout the implementation phase.

5. Review and Deployment

  • Code Review: Maintain communication and address feedback.
  • Deployment: A core team member will deploy to production once merged.

6. Post-Merge

  • Sync Your Fork: Keep your local repository up-to-date with the main branch.