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Packaging your Application for HomeServer

With Fractal Homeserver we offer a low cost and effective to self-hosted applications. HomeServer applications are built on Docker containers. An application is thus defined as a docker-compose file. Here's an example of how the application docker-compose looks like for Vault Warden:

version: '3.9'
    image: vaultwarden/server:latest
      - fractal-app-volume:/data
      test: curl localhost:80
      interval: 10s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 5
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "vaultwarden:80"

  # fractal-app-volume:
  #   external: true
  #   name: "vaultwarden-data"

In this file, you can find two unusual things:

  • The expose, which opens the application to be used by Fractal HomeServer and Gateway.

  • The volumes, which are declared as external volumes. This is where the Fractal Storage volumes are used, which implement automatic snapshotting and with that replication in an end-to-end encrypted manner.


If you are able to build a Docker image with your application (or a few Docker images, for example if and when you need external tools, such as databases), then it is very easy to convert it into an application that can run on HomeServer.

What you have to keep in mind is that your application will receive HTTP connections from the link container, not HTTPS. HomeServer works best if you let the link container handle all of the TLS termination for you. It uses Caddy to do so, which can be configured to support a lot of modern protocols if you need, such as HTTP/2 or WebSockets.

The only think you need to worry about is making sure that all of your application state is kept in volumes, so that it can be snapshotted and replicated.

When you publish updates for your application, you must make sure that it will work with data from old versions of the app. This is for example accomplished by running migrations automatically at startup to make sure that the database is in working order.